

Cousin Camp Day 5

 After all that hiking on
Day 4
Cousin Camp,
we took our last full day together
rather easy
and hung around the house,
"Dr. Who" episodes on Netflix.

(Oh, the things Cousin KK has introduced
my kiddos too...)  ;0)


In the evening,
we did venture outside for the 
3rd annual
Neighborhood Movie Night.

On the evening's agenda was
as showing of...
 ...The Muppets
the making of our own...
...Talking Stick Puppets.

(You can see how to make the puppets
by clicking HERE.)


The puppets are called 
"Talking" because their mouths can...
...and close.
The kiddos in the 'hood
were very creative with the 
personalities they chose to give their puppets,
which included:
An Owl Puppet
A "Miss Piggy" Puppet

A "Self-Portrait" Puppet
Twin Puppets
A Monster Puppet
A Hairy Puppet

But the "prize" for MOST creative puppet has
to got to...
...Cousin KK for her rendering of...
...a "Donna Noble" Puppet!

(Be proud,
all you "Dr. Who" fans-
be proud!)


After the puppets were finished...
 ...and the sun began to set over the culdesac...
...everyone grabbed a bag of popcorn and a cup of Kool-Aid...
 ...and settled in for...
 ...the movie.


my "Cousin Camp" posts are almost complete-
how sad!

I only have one more to go-
until next year, of course...

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