

TOS Crew Review: Write Shop Junior Book D

A few weeks ago,
our family received an e-book version of...

This download included the Teacher's Guide,
as well as the


Level D is recommended for 3rd-4th graders,
but it can be used for kiddos in as far up as 6th grade.

My Jungle Girl is finishing up the 4th grade,
so this is the perfect level for her.

(We have recently begun a 6 week Summer Break,
so we will continue the Write Shop lessons
for my soon-to-be 5th grader
when we start school up again in July...)


I REALLY like the way
Write Shop Jr. organizes their writing lessons.
A lesson spans anywhere from 1-3 weeks,
depending upon how you pace the parts.

You will generally begin with some grammar practice with the
which I think make grammar FUN for the kiddos.

There are a total of 10 packs,
which cover the topics of:

*Punctuation Marks

I have not been the best at teaching
Jungle Girl about all of these parts of speech,
so I am very appreciate of these
Fold 'n Go Packs.


After the grammar,
the lesson moves into writing lessons.

Topics that are covered include:

*Letters of Invitation
*Science Fiction
*Historical Fiction
*Personal Narrative
*Expository Writing: Factual Articles

Also, a different writing skill is cleverly
covered in each topic,

*Proper grammar and punctuation
*Narrowing a broad topic to a specific topic
*Sentence Structure
*Writing a paragraph
*Choosing strong words instead of weak ones
*Writing sentences of different lengths
*Using emotional words to develop voice
*Using the five senses to add descriptive details
*Self-editing and revision of work
*Creatively publishing a draft

Hands-on type activities work these skills into
a lesson with little or no protest from the kiddo
at work!


I would highly recommend this product
to any parent who needs something to help an
unmotivated kiddos learn to write.

In fact,
I am hoping to look into the lower levels
to use with my younger kiddos 
this next school year.


Pricing for these products is as follows:

You can also order an optional

I like having e-books because I can use them
for all my kiddos,
but you can also look into bound copies
if you only have one kiddo you are going to be working
with one kiddo.


Check out what other TOS Crew members
are saying about this product
by clicking HERE...


I was given this product free in exchange for my
open and honest review.
I was not compensated in any other way.

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