

Busy Mom's Guide to Parenting Teens

I know it's coming...

In about three years,
I will be blessed to have a teenager in my home!

So when I received
Tyndale House Publishing's...
...Busy Mom's Guide to Parenting Teens
Paul C. Reisser,
I was happy to dig right into it.


Author Paul C. Reisser
has been a family physician with 30 years of experience
in primary care medicine.

He is a member of Focus on the Family's,
Physicians Resource Council,
which places him TOPS in my book
for information I can trust...


The book is set up in a question/answer type format,
making it easy to read and reference.

Topics that a recovered in the various chapters include:

*Puberty-and all the "lovely" changes
teens' bodies experience during this time

*Emotional "struggles" teens go through
as they strive for independence

*Media (including computers,
the Internet, video games, TV, etc.)
and the impact it has on teens

(The why and how to encourage the gift
of virginity)

*Drug Abuse-
bother legal and illegal

*Bullying, eating disorders, depression-
all those issues that threaten a teenager's

*Transitioning and preparing a teen
for the world of adulthood


What I greatly appreciate about the format of the book
is how EASY it is to use and understand.

Dr. Reisser puts what could be confusing
terms into "everyday" vernacular,
  putting those of us non-PhD
candidates at ease.  ;0)

Also, each section begins with a scripture passage,
reminding us parents that the Bible
should always be our ultimate guide book
when dealing with our teenagers.


I think the chapters I am especially thankful for-
and hope I NEVER have to use with my own teens-
are the ones about drug abuse
and issues that threaten a teen's self-concept
(bullying and eating disorders).

I have never used recreational drugs
of any kind in my lifetime,
and really haven't been around many
people who have,
so having a guide to reference
for signs and symptoms is a good tool.

The same goes for the sticky subjects of
bullying and eating disorders-
never had issues with those in my teen years,
so having a book to assist me is a comfort.

(knock on wood)
my teens ever deal with any of these issues,
I feel this guide will point me in the right direction
to help them out.

Other books and references are included in the chapters
to aide in further research of any of the challenges
a parent may face during the teenage years.


I would HIGHLY recommend this book
to any parent-
especially to those of a tween or teen.

The list price is $12.99,
which is reasonable for such a 
reference book. 

You can find out more about this book
by clicking HERE...


I received this book free in exchange for my
open and honest review.
I was not compensated in any other way.

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