

10 in 10: Must Have Items for Homeschooling

Welcome to Week 2 of the Ten Weeks of Top Ten Lists  
sponsored by  iHomeschoolNetwork.
Over the next ten weeks, many bloggers will be sharing
their Top Ten lists on various topics.
 Today's topic:
Top Ten Must Have Items for Homeschooling


This is my "go-to" Bible for quickie, fun,
interactive Bible lessons for my kiddos...

We began using the
during this year of homeschool.

(You can see how we set our system up in greater detail
by clicking HERE...)

I am not always the most consistent with keeping those boxes full,
but when I am,
these boxes/system are a LIFESAVER-
especially when i am watching other kiddos
while I homeschool.

3.  File Folders

We use file folder for lots 'o stuff around here, like:

*Keeping finished papers filed (DUH!)

*Keeping weekly lessons organized
*Making Educational Games

(This game is from Homeschool Share's
Mr. Popper's Penguins
unit study.)


 (Here is the lapbook we created last Summer
during our Bible Study about
Fruit of the Spirit Lapbook.)

4.  iPad

We received a "family" iPad
from Nana and Papa this past Christmas,
but Super Dad and I never get to use it.

The kiddos have taken it over-
and that is fine be me!

There are some excellent educational apps
and books that the kiddos
enjoy when they are done with their school work.

(This has ESPECIALLY been a "lifesaver"
with Little Wild Man-
normally, he gets done with school first,
and these games keep him "busy with a purpose"
until the rest of us are done with school.)

Here are a couple of of our fav educational apps:
Hungry Fish

Stack the States

 I may have a tiny lamination problem.

But I can't help it-
it makes all our hand created manipulatives and games
so much more durable...

6.   My laptop
 And by laptop,
I am also including the Internet.

These technological devices
have SAVED our lessons a time or two...
7.  Library Card

Well, our taxes are paying for it,
so why not use it?  ;0)

I have really started using the library's
"holding" books system more,
and we have been able to learn about
Space, Chinese New Year, etc.
so in depth because of our
library card.

8.  Recycling Bin

I love trash.

Old egg cartons,
plastic tubs,
bits of paper-
I hold on to more of these items than I
perhaps should-
but they have enabled our
hands-on lessons to be more fun
and creative...

I asked Jungle Girl which piece of
curriculum she thought was most important
in her homeschooling,
and she said

She really likes the way the instructor
teaches on the DVD's-
and the the poor thing knows that Math
is NOT her Mommy's
strong suit...

10.  Dining Room Table
Oh, how many things we have learned about
sitting together at this table!

It is in need of a refinishing job,
but in a way,
I would miss all the marks, and scratches-
those are evidence of all the fun
we have had as a family at this table!


Wanna join in the fun?

Just go HERE and link up your own
"Must Have" list,
or any other Top 10 List you would like
to write about....

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