

Christmas Countdown Days 9, 10, 11, and 13


The Christmas Crunch is upon us 
here in 
The Fantastic Five Household,
so we have had to find new ways to 
incorporate all the activities from our
advent  calendar...


Our elf, Chester,
has still been appearing each morning
in a new spot...
...trying to give the kiddos hints about 
what part of the Biblical Christmas Story
our Advent Calendar will talk about for the day.

(He is laying on a pillow here to hint about Day 10,
which is all about Dreams,
specifically about Joseph's dream


how did we fit in
making 4 ornaments into one day?
With the use of Pearler Beads,
of course!
We really love all that you can do with
Pearler Beads...
 The kiddos each did
a few different designs... represent...
 ...the days of the Advent Calendar.
 Here are their final creations...
 Day 9: Joseph
 Day 10: Dreams
(These are pillows...)

Can you see...
  ...Messiah's name?
Day 13: Bethleham

(We saved Day 12- The Census- to go with
Days 14-16 since all of them apply to the same
passage of scripture.)

The kiddos are very proud of their designs-
and I am too!  :0)


  1. Looks great!

    FYI your site is coming up as having malware problems.

  2. The elf on the pillow is too funny, very clever. I love their ornaments!
