

Eating the Alphabet

The theme this week at Monday Fun's
stART Preschool Class was
Foodie Fun...

I read...
...Eating the Alphabet and...
...The Boy Who Ate Around.

The kiddos especially enjoyed this picture,
since it was about a boy
who did not want to eat his dinner.
So, he turned himself into a monster
and "ate around" his dinner,
which included eating his parents,
his house, his school, etc.


After the books,
I busted out some...
...Peanut Butter Play dough
for the kiddos to enjoy...

Here is the EASY recipe:

- 1 cup peanut butter
- 1/2 cup honey
- 2 cups powdered sugar

Mix ingredients in a bowl and you’re done!
Store in an airtight container or plastic baggie
with air sucked out of the bag.
(Quick tip: Spray your 1/2 cup with oil
before measuring your honey
and the honey will pour much easier.)
Trust us...'s yum-yum-yummy!


While the kiddos were working with the play dough,
we decided to make all the letters in the alphabet,
our own "Edible Alphabet,"
if you will...

(This little movie shows all the letters
the kiddos made-
minus the letter J-


After we put up the Play Dough,
I gave the kiddos another
Explorer Box Challenge...
Each box contained food shaped erasers...
...and other small objects.
I mixes them all up in some dry oatmeal...
...and threw in some measuring spoons to use as
"digging tools."
The kiddos dug for the items,
and sorted them into two piles-
Edible and Non-Edible...
(Let me just say, the mess was worth the fun!)

Next Week's Theme: "Egg"-cellent Easter Eggs


For more fabulously messy fun,
head on over to
Feed Me Books Friday,
Kids Get Crafty,
Preschool Corner,
Read, Explore, Learn,


  1. Wow! I'm sure it was worth the fun - but I'm glad it was your mess, and not mine :)

  2. Oh what a fabulous session! I bet they had lots of fun rooting around!! And the Peanut butter playdough... well that is quite something!!

    Thanks for linking up to Kids Get Crafty!


  3. Great activities! Thanks for sharing the recipe too and I am off to reserve the books! You can tell the children really enjoyed it!


  4. This is SO cool! I'd love it if you linked it up to our new collaborative play-based linky called It's Playtime!

  5. This look yummy! Amazingly enough JDaniel doesn't want anything to do with peanut butter.

    Thanks for linking to Read.Explore.Learn.

  6. Looks like a lot of fun! I'm stopping by from Preschool Corner.

  7. Love Eating the Alphabet and having been wanting to get hold of The Boy Who Ate Around. Your seek and sort activity looks super! Do you prefer oatmeal to rice for such treasure hunting? Thanks for linking up at Feed Me Books Friday!
