

Bible Alive! Tuesday: Fishing for Men...

This past Sunday's
Sunday School lesson centered around
Luke 5:1-11.

In this passage,
Jesus tells Simon Peter to come and follow him,
and he will teach Peter to fish for people...


I WISH I had a picture of my K-1 kiddos' faces
when I told them this part of the story-
it was hilarious!

They are definitely in the
"concrete thinking"
phase of their development,
so I had to spend a little extra time
explaining what Jesus was saying-
that he wanted to disciple men who would then
go and tell the world about HIM.


We played a game to "drill in" the idea of
"Fishing for Men,"
which I then used to review the story
with my little ones today.

(Oh, and before I get to the game,
I want to direct you to
Almost Unschoolers
"Fishers of Men" activities
they are EXCELLENT, as always,
for teaching this lesson...)

The game we played involved...
...straws, bowls, and paper people cutouts
(or babies, in my case, since that was the only
human Cricut pattern I have).

In order to "fish" for "men" during the game,
the kiddos had to...
...use only their straws to suck up a paper cutout...
...and put it in a bowl.

I gave the kiddos...
...a few minutes to practice...
...their fishing skills
before we started the game.

Then the game began!
I gave the kiddos 30 catch
as many "men" as they could with their
straws and bowls.

After playing the game a couple of times...
...I let them pick a couple of the cutouts... decorate as a reminder......of the story.


So, how have you been teaching your kiddos
the Bible this week?

Please link up your fun below...


  1. I love the straw! We made unleavened bread for a comunion lesson for our Sunday School class on Sunday morning - found a really yummy recipe - but I'm not sure when I'll post it - everythings coming together at once - sharks - Japan - Loch Ness Monsters - spring - purim - passover - aaaaahhhh!!!!

  2. oooohhhh, that is a good idea. We did something like that in Sunday School once, but forgot to have enough straws, and boy was that a day of much wailing and groaning.
