

Bejeweled Wednesdays and wiww: One Shirt, Five Ways...

This past week,
our church hosted its annual
Consignment Sale for Children,
known in our community as...
...The Lil' Angel's Attic Sale.

I am co-chair of the committee that puts this event on,
twice a year,
in our church's fellowship hall.

All the committee members wear shirts with our logo
throughout the week of the sale,
so if volunteers/shoppers need to ask us
any questions, we are easily identifiable.

I like to "spice up" my shirts
to give each day's ensemble
a different look.

So, here are some of the
outfits I wore from this past week,
while "living" at the church...



I wore this shirt on Sunday to church
and spent the afternoon sorting donations
for the sale...


Monday and Tuesday's outfits were TOTALLY
not worth photographing,
sent we spend those evening setting up clothing racks
and such in preparation for the sale....


Turquoise or Teal or Just "Blue"?

There has always been a question as to what the
exact shade of blue our shirts are,
but, what ever it is... compliments a Southwestern Jewelry set well!

I spent the evening checking in sellers and their items
and putting them out on the racks and tables
in preparation for the sale...


Flower Child

Checked in MORE sellers today
and hen an evening of early shopping for
the volunteers...


Let's Rock Out This Opening!

Today was the opening of the sale,
so I just have to wear... "Rock Star" shirt!
(Click on THIS link which will take you
to a tutorial over on
Fireflies and Jellybeans
to show you how to
"Rock Out" your own T-shirt...)


Ready to Tear It Down

Today was the last day of the sale,
and then we spent the afternoon
cleaning up our mess...
Then I went home and
COLLAPSED on the couch
for the evening...


There y'all have it-
one shirt, five ways...

For more fun with fashion,
head on over to
Bejeweled Wednesdays
what i wore wednesday...

1 comment:

  1. Lovin' the "rock star" shirt and chandelier earrings together!
    Thank you so much for linking up with Jewelscapes Bejeweled Wednesdays!
