

TOS Review: TOS's Curiosity Files- Zombie Fire Ants

The kiddos and I really enjoyed our journey into
"outlandish oddities"
with the guidance of...
...Professor Ana Lyze.

We chose to "dig in" to the wild and wonderful
world of Zombie Fire Ants...
...through The Old Schoolhouse's
Curiosity Files series.


This series' approach towards learning is through
detailed units of study,
including reading, math, science, copywork, art, etc.

Right now, The Curiosity Files has units about the
following topics:Each unit costs $6.95,
with the exception of a few of the titles,
which are only $1.00 right now!

(What a great way to look into the series for yourself,
at just a little cost...)

Oh, and if you research this product and just think
"This is IT! This is what I was MISSING in my homeschooling",
then just buy the entire 9-pack bundle for only

Just click HERE for more information about all the units....


OK, now that I have given you all the essential details
about The Curiosity Files,
let me just give you a peek at the fun we had
learning about
Zombie Fire Ants...


First, I read about Zombie Fire Ants to the kiddos...
...using the detailed, kid friendly info in the unit.

Basically a Zombie Fire Ant is a Fire Ant who's
brains have been eaten out by the larvae of a phorid fly...


After reading about the ants...
...we watched THIS recommended internet clip
about how the fire ants
make a living life raft.



Then I led the kiddos in an art activity from
The Curiosity Files

Ant Tunnel Art.

After I had the kiddos watch THIS
ant tunnel digging video clip,
they began drawing their own ant tunnels...
... on the back of a piece of sandpaper.
After cutting out the tunnels...
...the kiddos glued them
onto a piece of construction paper.

The also added ants I found HERE.

They were proud...
...of their final pictures.

(Really, they were...)

I realized they had really learned something from
The Curiosity Files when I closely examined their pictures...
Little Wild Man made one of his ants the Queen...
...and gave her a nest of eggs to watch over.
Jungle Girl made sure some of her ants were even
carrying food throughout the tunnels.


Now, I believe the TRUE test of product is how
it impacts the kiddos' excitement for a subject.

Let me just say...
...based on their recent drawings...
...I'd say they are excited.

Oh, and Jungle Girl has REALLY taken the idea
of ants and run with it... creating ant puppets...
...for her ant tunnel art.

Guess the next "educational purchase"
I make will be investing in an
Ant Farm...

PLEASE go and check out
The Curiosity Files
by clicking HERE.

I really don't think you will be disappointed...


Disclaimer: I was given this product free for my open and honest
review. I was not compensated in any other way.

1 comment:

  1. But, did you watch the video of Tim Hawkins' Fire Ant song?
