

TOS Review: Math Facts NOW!

As we have SLOWLY been getting back into a
"homeschooling groove"
post all the holiday craziness,
I am very thankful that my kiddos have had
the opportunity to work with...
...Math Facts NOW!

This is a math fact review program that
can be purchased as a CD ROM ($15.95 + 3.95 S/H)
in a downloadable format ($15.95 NO S/H).
We received the downloadable version,
and both of my girls have enjoyed reviewing their
Math facts... ...with the use of our laptop
INSTEAD of traditional flashcard drills.


The program enables me to control the amount of material
my kiddos need to practice,
which I really like,
since my girls are on very different Math levels at the moment.


This is how the program basically works:

1. I put in the Math fact groups and functions
(Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and/or Division)
I need my kiddos to review.

Since one girl is beginning Multiplication...
...and the other girl
is just doing addition,
I was able to create several different reviews to meet
their individual needs.
2. The kiddo answers a series of Math fact questions
until they solve a certain number correctly.
3. If the kiddo answers a question incorrectly,
she must type out the correct Math fact sentence
two to five times
(the amount of typing is determined
by ME, their teacher)... practice the correct information.
(As you can see by the way Baby Girl is using her fingers
to count,
she DEFINITELY needs more practice with her addition facts...)
4. As the review continues,
the program will even caution the kiddos when they
have to review a fact that they previously missed
with the phrase
"Be Careful!"

5. Once the kiddo answers 50 or more
Math fact questions correctly,
she is finished with the practice lesson.

That's it!

Easy-peasy and fun!


I plan on incorporating this program regularly in our Math studies,
with review session one to three times a week,
depending upon the need of the kiddo.

And, since this review is on the computer,
I find that the kiddos are less likely to complain,
since the time seems more like a game than a "practice."


If you would like to learn more about Math Facts NOW!,
please click HERE...


Disclaimer: I received this product for my open and honest review.
I was not compensated in any other way.

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