

Science Sunday: Doctor, Doctor, Give Me the News...

It's been an interesting few days here
in the Fantastic Five Household... demonstrated by the array of
medicines on the kitchen counter.

It all began on Thursday afternoon...
...with a very pitiful Baby Girl.

Since she had a VERY sour throat and fever,
we headed off to the doctor on Friday....

Where she was swabbed for the flu.

It came back negative.

APPARENTLY false negative results
occur often,
and since she had no signs of puss/infection
in the throat,
the doc started Baby Girl on...

She threw up half of her first dose.


Before bedtime on Friday she developed...
...a lovely lacy rash all over her back and tummy.

Freaking out, I called our Doctor and
since she was breathing normally,
we stopped her on the Tamiflu and
brought her to the doc-
on Saturday.

Her fever was up to 103
and the rash had continued to spread,
so I was SO THANKFUL when the doctor
swabbed her and discovered she had Strep Throat.

(I think this is the first time I
have ever been thankful for Strep Throat....)

...after some Bubble Gum flavored Amoxicillan...
...snuggle time with Mr. Bear...
...and watching
The Return of Nannie McPhee
four times in a row...
...her fever finally broke!


So, the Science we learned from all this?

Medicine is NOT an exact Science,
Rashes are itchy,
Orange Sherbet IS THE BEST for a
sore throat...


For more much healthier fun with Science,
head on over to Science Sunday...


  1. I'm glad she's on the mend - that doesn't sound like fun, at all!

  2. Ugh, yeah your real life science was much less fun. And another factoid for you, the rash version of strep is actually what we call Scarlet Fever. I found that out when I got it this summer. How's that for interesting?

  3. Oh, I am so happy to hear baby girl is feeling better now!! Thank goodness for orange sherbet (and a proper diagnosis) -- yay!!!

  4. Aw, poor thing :( I hope she is feeling better!

  5. Yeah for orange sherbet and medicine working. I hope she is feeling better already. Is the movie good?

  6. I hope she is feeling better. My little one has been sick too, fortunately just a bad cold. All of the pictures were a good touch.
    I am from the TOS Crew and am now following you.

  7. Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa ( may be another choice. i know alot of people use it, its also non alcoholic, though it's effectiveness is not as good as alcohol based cough medicine, but it's still good to use on not so serious sore throat.
