

Preparing for Christmas...

To prepare the kiddos for Christmas fun,
we do some sort of Advent Calendar every year.

To begin the countdown,
I wanted to direct the kiddos' attention to the
reason for the season-
to get their hearts and minds prepared for
Jesus' birthday.

I read...
...Who Is Coming To Our House?
by Joseph Slate
before bedtime.

Then each one of them received...
...their own Nativity figurine to help
prepare their rooms for Christmas.

Jungle Girl placed her figurine on her
personal shelf...
...which she keeps many treasured items on.

Baby Girl is letting her American Girl...
...Lanie watch over her set.

And Little Wild Man has placed the Baby Jesus
in a place of honor...
...amongst his treasured cars.

We welcome you, baby Jesus,
and hope to make you comfortable in our home...


To check out how other families are celebrating the season,
head on over to the
Holiday Bliss 2010 link-up...


  1. Love it. I thought about doing something like that, but it just wasn't going to happen I know they would get lost.

  2. That is a great idea. I may have to get my little ones their own nativity sets. We have a large one we place in the livingroom, but one for each of their rooms would be awesome. Thanks for the idea.

  3. I love that each child got their own. It must have been fun to see where they would place them.
