

Turkeys of Thanksgiving

I have seen so many great ideas out in cyberspace
that encourage kiddos to give thanks
during the month of November...

Check out THESE turkeys over at
Almost Unschoolers
THIS Gratitude Jar at
Frugal Family Fun...

I wanted my kiddos to display their gratitude
in some fashion at our house,
so when my younger kiddos made...
...these turkeys at their Enrichment class,
inspiration hit me.

I created our own...
...Turkeys of Thanksgiving Wall.
I created the big turkey out of construction paper,
masking tape, and googly eyes.
The plan is for the kiddos to fill up the
turkey's feathers with things they are thankful for.
I am glad to see what
Baby Girl's first offering is...


I am linking this up at the
"Show Off Your Stuff Party"
at Fireflies and Jellybeans...