

Trunk or Treat 2010

Before we rush into Pilgrims and the Mayflower,
I need to put up a quick post
about our Halloween.

(Oh, and please keep in mind,
we were definitely on a tight budget
for this holiday,
and I CANNOT sew.
Therefore, the costumes you are about to see
are not up to par with
Martha Stewart's standards...)

Every year at our church,
(usually the Sunday before Halloween)
we host a
"Trunk or Treat" event for the community.

Since Halloween fell upon Sunday this year,
we went to church in the later afternoon for
"Trunk or Treat"
and then headed back home
(after our Children's Choir practice)
to "Trick or Treat" in the 'hood.

(Whew! It was a BUSY Sunday!)

Our family and another always get together
and create a theme of some kind
to decorate our vehicles for "Trunk or Treat."

This year's theme was...
..."Welcome to Wii World."
All the kiddos dressed as
Super Mario Brothers' Characters...
...Jungle Girl dressed as
Yoshi's lesser known lady friend...

(and yes, the red scales on her costume were
beginning to fall off-
they were made out of duct tape)
...Baby Girl was Princess Peach...

(She had already taken off her dress
by the time I took her picture
because she was hot)
...and Little Wild Man was
Mario, of course!

(Don't you love his smeared mustache?
He smeared it within 2 minutes of me
drawing it on his face...)

The girls from the other family
were Luigi and Toad...


In the back of our van,
we hosted
"Wii Sports" by letting kiddos... mini bowling.
The other family hosted
"Wii Sports Resort"
by letting the kiddos play...
...Frisbee toss with a "dog."


Oh, and what about us adults?

What did we dress as?
Wii remotes, of course!
It was a fun event,
and I hope many families from the community
were as blessed by coming
as we were by hosting!

(Now to begin plans for NEXT year's
"Trunk or Treat" costumes...)


  1. How cute! I bet everyone had a blast!

  2. Love the Wii remotes...I wish I had thought of that instead of having to wear the Princess Peach costume!
