

Get Crafty!, Read, Explore, Learn, and stART: "A Book of Ghosts" by Pam Adams and Ceri Jones

OK, I am gonna tell y'all about a book we read
during our Halloween activities last week,
so please forgive my tardiness...

(Or, I suppose you could view this as an
EXTREMELY early post for next year's


I read...
..."A Book of Ghosts"
Pam Adams and Ceri Jones
to the kiddos.It's a book about "seeing ghosts"...
...that aren't really ghosts at all.

I love this book's cut-out pictures,
and the sweet way it helps kiddos realize
they do not need to be afraid of "ghosts."


For a quick craft after the book,
we selected a fun activity from...
...this Kathy Ross craft book.

(I LOVE her craft books!)

We made
"Hairpin Ghost Necklaces."
To create this craft,
we used:

Plastic Lids
Small beads
First, I threaded the string onto the hairpins...

Next, we filled the hairpins thickly with glue...

Then we placed beads gently in the glue... create mouths and eyes for our ghosts.

(This is also the part in which you might need
tweezers to help you get a good grip
on the small beads.)
I also created a set of earrings for myself...
Set them in a safe place to dry over night,
and gently peel the ghost off the lid when it's dry.
Now you are ready to say
to any "ghosts" you might encounter
throughout your day...


For more fun activities to go along
with great books,
head on over to Read, Explore, Learn
and stART,
and for just crafty kiddo fun,
head on over to
Get Crafty!


  1. Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I have some kids who would love this. Of course that implies I know where hair pins are.

  2. That reminds me, I need to put the Kathy Ross book for Christmas crafts on hold, before all the copies are gone from the library. She does have some great ideas! Your "ghosts" turned out great :o

  3. OH, I LOVE this! This is so cute!! I've never heard of this book either. How creative a project!! Thank you so much for this fun idea!

  4. Oh! Very clever and very cute!

    Love them!

    Kids Get Crafty

  5. The necklace ghosts are really cute. The book looks good too.

  6. What a great book! I love the craft too. I think I have some hair pins somewhere I could use to try this.

  7. Those are SO cute! What a neat idea!
