

Muffin Tin Monday: Thanksgiving "Dinner"

Last week, all our school lessons were focused
on Thanksgiving,
so we HAD to include
Muffin Tin Monday in our fun!
While the kiddos ate their
"Thanksgiving Feast,"
I read...
...Thanksgiving Cats by Jean Marzollo to them.

For their "feast" they ate...
(Ham slices cut with a turkey shaped cookie cutter)
(Chow Mein Noodles)
...Carrots and dip...
...Apple Slices...
...and Pumpkin Pie.
(Caramel dipping sauce for the apple slices)

I even gave the kiddos' meal a bit of ambiance...
...with fancy printed napkins...
...and candlelight.

After it was all eaten, the kiddos made sure to tell me...
...they were as stuffed as a Thanksgiving turkey!


To see more Thanksgiving meals,
head on over to
Muffin Tin Monday...


  1. I just love that you read them a Thanksgiving themed story while they ate. Happy Thanksgiving! :o)

  2. Cute! I love that you had a book to go along with the lunch.

  3. I love your stuffed picture! The meal looks great!
