

In Love With Letters: "G" is "G-g-g-g-g-reat!"

Little Wild Man
was groovin' with the Letter G
this week....


We read the following stories...


For his Alphabet Notebook...
...Little Wild Man decorated THIS "G" page...
...with ghost stickers.


Over at Confessions of a Homeschooler...
...he used jewels to play...
...THIS gumball game.


Make Learning Fun offered several
gingerbread man activities, including...
...THIS pom-pom game.
(All of the kiddos enjoyed playing the game!)

Baby Girl also joined her brother for a round of...
...THIS Gingerbread Shape Game...
...and THESE Alphabet Cards.


All the kiddos also created a fun Gingerbread craft,
which I will post more during next week.

However, I will give you a preview of part of it...
Little Wild Man went "ga-ga" for the glitter glue,
don't ya think?


  1. Cute glitter glue gingerbread man. Great book selection too!

  2. Lots of wonderful ideas here! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog today :)

  3. I've got all our gingerbread books standing by for the first snow, which could be any day now - I'll be coming back to some of these ideas then!
