

Bible Alive! Tuesday: The Sunflower Parable

Since we had a bit of a harvest theme
during our lessons last week,
I read...
...The Sunflower Parable
Liz Curtis Higgs
to the kiddos one day during our devotions.

Similar to
The Pumpkin Patch Parable,
this story focuses on planting seeds
and the harvest that comes from them.

The seeds of the gospel we plant in others
will bring a bountiful harvest for the Father, too.

"We are workers together for God.
And you are like a farm that belongs to God."
(1 Corinthians 3:9)


To create a reminder that we are to sow the seeds
of the Good News,
the kiddos made
"Sunflower Collages."

The supplies we used included:

Construction paper
Sunflower doilies (from the Dollar Tree)
First, the kiddos glued on the
Sunflower stems and leaves,
which I cut out for them.
Next, they glued on the doilies.
To finish, they glued on buttons for
Sunflower seeds.
Now our kitchen windows are full of
colorful Sunflowers,
which remind us to sow seeds
for THE Son!


You're next!
What Biblical fun have you been having this week?
Link up below...


  1. Oh, this'll be a good book to remember when we study Kansas, why not throw a Bible lesson into a geography lesson.

  2. Your kiddos are so fortunate to have such a crafty Mama who keeps them entertained while learning important lessons. I LOVE seeing your ideas! And your home is gorgeous, by the way (love the snow picture!).
