

TOS Review: Soli Deo Gloria Resources- Map Skills

Recently, my kiddos and I were sent an e-book
from Soli Deo Gloria Resources
about Map Skills.

Well, I need to be honest-
life has been crazy,
so I was not able to do any of the unit
with the kiddos...


I have read over the entire product,
and it is CHOCK FULL of lessons which make
Map Skills fun and applicable.

(In fact, with my sense of direction,
I believe I NEED to be taught this unit!)


The unit is set up to be used with a workbook, if you wish,
but it is not needed.
It is also very adaptable for a variety of ages,
which means I think we will be re-visiting the unit
throughout the years.

Games like Compass Tag activities like making
edible maps are right up my ally,
which is WHY I like the design of this unit.


Another element I like about Soli Deo Gloria Resources
is that they make all the units biblically connected.

That is their mission- to glorify God in all their
educational resources.

Love it.


Pricing for this e-book is $11.50.

If you prefer, you can purchase the unit in
book form for $14.00.

To find out more about Soli Deo Gloria Resources,
please click HERE.


Disclaimer: I received this product free for my honest review.
I was not compensated in any other way.

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