

In Love With Letters: "C" is so "C"ool!

Letter C lends itself to many fun activities-
here are a few we tried...

First of all,
Little Wild Man continues to work in
his alphabet doing several of the activities...
...found HERE.


"C" is for Cat,
we read...

Little Wild Man used
THIS "C is for Cat" page
and foam blocks to practice
fine motor skills.

After reading Cookie's Week...
...he practiced putting the days of the week
in order using THESE cards.
Math was nothing to hiss about, since we used...
...THESE count and clip cards.


"C" is also for Clifford,
so we read...
...all of these Clifford books.
We spent extra time in the Alphabet book...
...on the letter C page, of course!
(Also, Jungle Girl was kind enough to help me out
and read a couple of the Clifford stories
to her siblings while I got lunch ready that day-
so sweet!)
We are really into Memory games as of late,
so I created a Clifford one
using THIS card template.
The kiddos had to match different colored paw prints
that I made with bingo and Dot-a-Dot markers.

I also challenged them to create a dog house
using......these building sticks I picked up
from who knows where!

Their designs were rather cozy for the
Pet Chop Animal Puppies...


C is for Caterpillar,
so we read...

All the following activities are from
Confessions of a Homeschooler-
please head on over there to check out ALL
of her great Alphabet printables,
...and story re-telling!
This hungry caterpillar
knows that
"C" is so "C"ool!


  1. I've seen those building sticks at Michaels, so maybe there.

  2. That is probably where they began, but I bet I picked them up at Goodwill or a garage sale- glad to know where I can find more if I need 'em!
