

Booing the Neighbors

This past week,
our entire family "BOOed"
a couple of our neighbors.
In case you don't know,
"BOOing" a neighbor means leaving them a little
basket of goodies (in secret) and encouraging them
to do the same for another neighbor.

Our little Boo Basket included:
Chocolate Pumpkin Muffins
in the shape of Jack-O-Lanterns...
(the kiddos helped me make the muffins)
...Jack-O-Lantern suckers from the Dollar Tree...
...and a little ghost BOO door hanger.


The kiddos had fun sneaking onto the neighbor's porch...
...under a cloak of darkness.
Don't let them know it was us!)


  1. What a cute little idea. Ive heard of this before but have never done it, maybe its time I try it out :)

  2. So fun! Those muffins look delicious too.

  3. Our neighborhood did that last year, but it doesn't look like it's started up this year.
