

Bible Alive! Tuesday: God's Promises

"For the word of God is living and active.
Sharper than any double-edged sword,
it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow;
it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

-Hebrews 4:12

Today is the FIRST Bible Alive linky...
I am so excited to see what ways y'all use
your creative juices to make the Bible come alive
for your kiddos!

Right now, for morning devotions,
the kiddos and I have been using...
...God's Story and Me
by Karyn Henley.

Karyn uses Bible stories to discuss a certain topic for the week.
She also lists different hands-on activities you and your kiddos
can do to cement the stories and their lessons.

Week 2 is all about God's Promises.

One of the stories was about
God's covenant with Noah in which He promised
not to destroy the earth again with a flood.
(Genesis 9)

God marked this promise with a rainbow.
Karyn Henley suggested creating a special rainbow picture
as a reminder of God's Promises.


Items needed for this activity are:

Card stock
Paint brushes

As we searched for the right crayon colors,
I used this opportunity to review rainbow colors.

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet)
The kiddos created their own rainbows
with the crayons on the card stock,
making sure to make the crayon markings
extra dark...

Then, using the water colors,
the kiddos painted over their rainbows...

The rainbows still shone brightly through the paint...
The pictures are now displayed in our homeschool room,
to remind us about all of God's promises!


OK, now it's your turn!

Please use the linky below to share ways you have made
the Bible come alive this week...


  1. What a great post! Your family is adorable. I work for Karyn Henley and write a blog about these products. Would love to have you come by for a visit. By the way, the title of this devotion book has changed and is now called Day By Day Devotions.

  2. Super cute. Nothin ths week but next week I will

  3. This is a great - I love the addition of the water color. Terrific link-up! Our trip threw us off this week, but hopefully we'll be on board for next week.

  4. This is a great idea for a linky. I'll have to participate in the future. I don't have anything ready right now. I love the rainbows. With my older sunday school kids I've made promise pockets too. We make a simple envelope, decorate it with rainbows and write all of the promises of God we can think of on strips of paper. It's a good reminder to me that God WILL keep those promises.
