

Weekly Wrap-Up: WHERE did the week go???

Sorry I haven't been posting this week...

I have been working through some personal issues...

In fact, last night I couldn't sleep...

I am bothered by how some "areas" of my life
are "going" right now...

Mainly my

I got up at about 1am and started reading

It's got A LOT to say on the whole
self-control/self discipline subject,
which I needed to HEAR.

In chapter 8, God reminded my how he provided
for the Israelites in the desert,
and how
"man does not live on bread alone,
but on every word that comes from
the mouth of the Lord"...
(Deuteronomy 8:3b)

I need to adjust my life,
my brain,
my "hard-wiring"

Much prayer and work are ahead of me...I just know it...

Despite having a "wake up" call this week,
life in our homeschooling journey continued on...


We began the week with doing some school at my
parents' house,
which the kiddos ESPECIALLY enjoyed that day
because there was MUCH exploring to do...
This is a picture of my parents' backyard...

Behind the swing set and trees is a little creek...
...which the kiddos have been choppin' at the bit... go and spend some time in.

I dressed them in their "grubby" clothes,
and they WENT TO TOWN
getting in the mud,
looking for tadpoles, frogs, bugs, and any other
creepy crawly critter they could find...
When they were done exploring and hosed off,
I tried to get a pic of them with my dad,
since Father's Day is just around the corner...

Please excuse Little Wild Man's and Baby Girl's
"indecent exposure"...


During the week,
I introduced Shirley Temple
to the kiddos... watching
"Curly Top" with them.


Watching Shirley tap dance...
...led the kiddos to try out some dance moves
of their own.

The only pair of "tap shoes" the kiddos
could rustle up were some
Fancy Nancy dress up high heels...

(Oh, my Little Wild Man,
you are so gonna love me displaying
this picture at your high school
graduation party...)
Baby Girl thought she embodied the spirit of
Miss Temple...YIKES!


Even though we continued on with
Math, Social Studies, and some Reading this week,
much more time has been spent playing with friends,
since the neighborhood kids are
"officially" on Summer Break...

One of the kiddos favorite things to do with
their buddies right now is to play...
...something they like to call

"Boxes" needs its own post...more to come later...

Oh, and perhaps THE highlight of the week...
Jungle Girl caught a couple of frogs!

(Guess what we are now studying in Science next week?)


For more homeschooling fun you want to croak about,
hop on over to
the Weekly Wrap-Up...


  1. Betty @ http://peacecreekontheprairie.comMay 29, 2010 at 6:39 AM

    Such a fun week. I invite you to participate in my nature study Tuesday Meme. We share pictures of what God has shown us in nature around our homes.

  2. Looks like a great week - but I'm sorry your not sleeping. I think I'll go read Deuteronomy again, and be challenged with you :)

  3. My kids love Shirley Temple-especially her version of Heidi!

  4. @ Shannon:
    Heidi is the next one we are gonna watch!

    @ Almost Unschooling Mom:
    Ya know, you would THINK Deuteronomy would be one of those books from the Bible that would put a person right to sleep, but it DOES NOT...

  5. I understand that fight to sleep at night....although, sometimes I find it a very creative time for me...and a thinking time as well.

    I struggle with the self control too...eating is a big area I find my self fighting that in. There's other places too :) I think I'll do some derteronomy reading myself...thanks for sharing! :)

  6. Looks like a great week!

    I saw your question about summer schooling on my blog. I usually take May off, then we start back in June. During the summer, we do a unit study, summer workbooks, and read lots. :-)
    This summer, we are using a VBS curriculum from Answers in Genesis and turning it into a human body unit study and Ancient Egypt lapbook. I'm also using Vacation Station summer workbooks from BJU, and we are participating in several summer reading programs.

  7. This looks like a great week. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. I Hope you find you rhythm soon. We definitely need Go's grace, but he is able.

  8. Self control...ack...right there with you. God has really been bringing things to my attention lately.

    Looks like a lovely week! :)
