

stART: The Little Mouse, The Red, Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear

Strawberry season has been cut short this year,
due to our crazy weather,
so we are gearing up today to make some jam,
before there are no local strawberries left...

That made today a great day to read...
The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry,
and The Big Hungry Bear

Don and Audry Wood

After reading this deliciously fun tale,
the kiddos and I got to works on making some
"Berry" Special Cards,
which they will be giving to some special
people in their lives,along with some homemade jam...
Each child got a red card made
out of construction paper,
which already had a strawberry outline
drawn on it...
The kiddos then used glue to paste on
strawberry "seeds" (yellow buttons)
and "leaves" (green foam hearts)
to complete the strawberries...
The front of the cards...
...and the inside of the cards!
The younger kiddos also completed a fun
bingo marker page
from Make Learning Fun...
Look at him...
Gotta love those faces...

And, after a visit
to the local Farmer's Market......these beauties...
...were transformed into liquid gold...

For more fun with books,
grab a biscuit with some
homemade jam
and head on over to stART.


  1. Oh, I can't wait for the smell of strawberry jam in the house - we're still a few weeks from strawberry season here.

  2. Yum, so I'll just send you my address and you'll send me a jar right?
    I love that series, there's a Christmas one too.
    And I have that silly Strawberry Shortcake song in my head now from one of those movies, bother.

  3. I love the way you used the buttons on the strawberry.

  4. Those are just terrific activities to extend this great book. The last picture made me crave strawberry jam :)

  5. Those strawberry cards are super cute. Strawberry season is coming soon here and am looking forward to it!

  6. So cute. I love the way you used the buttons and also that you made them into cards to give away. I've made note of all these activities in my "idea notebook." (I was going to do a Strawberry Shortcake unit with my daughter.)

  7. Your strawberry jam looks so yummy ~ let me get a tissue to wipe the drool on my chin! Love the strawberry cards!
