

You Can Sing a Rainbow...

This evening was Little Wild Man's
Spring Preschool Program...
A Rainbow of Colors

He went to preschool today,
so I wanted to pack something special in his lunch,
to "prep" him for his program... I made a rainbow themed lunch.

After we arrived for the program,
we watched a slide show of the kiddos...

Kind of an introduction to each child...

Here's MY son's "introduction"...
I am glad to know he has such high ambitions in life...

Then, after another tear-jerking slide show featuring the kiddos,
the program began...
There's my boy-
intensely walking to his spot on stage...

Here's a couple of his cutie-patootie friends...

The next few pics are of his VERY FOCUSED

He wanted to make sure he had all those motions done pat...

After the program,
Little Wild man thanked his "fans" for coming
and supporting his creative endeavors...
...including the BEST preschool teachers... the world!
Isn't that the just the cutest bunch of
that you have ever seen?

Good job, Little Wild Man, GOOD JOB!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww....... I just realized as I looked at the last picture that they look like a box of crayons. I'm observant sometimes.
