

Muffin Tin Monday: Peter Rabbit and His "Peeps"

Today's theme over on Muffin Tin Monday is
"Leftovers ROCK!!!"

Well, our MTM meal fit this criteria
AND included our theme from last week,
which was "Bunnies"...

Since we still have MANY leftover Peeps,
and I needed to read
"Peter Rabbit" to the kiddos...
...our MTM meal was eaten,
Beatrix Potter style!
Each kiddo got a peanut butter
Peter Rabbit sandwich...
...Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail
"Peeps"... beans and carrots,
cuisine grown in Mr. McGregor's garden,
...and frozen blueberries and yogurt,
which are reminiscent of the blackberries and milk
Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail
got to eat for being good little bunnies.

While the kiddos ate...

...I read the story to them.
Later, Jungle Girl decided to draw a picture
about the story...
It was of Mr. McGregor chasing Peter
throughout the garden...

We LOVE Beatrix Potter!

To see what other people are doing
with their leftovers,
"hop" on over to Muffin Tin Monday...


  1. Could your muffin tin this week possibly be any more adorable? Great job!

    Creative and Curious Kids!

    ps. I'll tell you soon what we are doing w/ the bottles- so much fun!!!

  2. I love the story tie in. Your sandwich is sooo cute!

  3. So cute!! I love the peanut butter sandwich with the cotton tail!!!! :-)

  4. Oh, your tin is too cute. Love the theme.

  5. Such a cute tin! I love the theme and the bunny sandwiches are just too adorable!

  6. Thanks for the great posts! I have a Sunshine Award waiting for you at my blog!

  7. OK, that is way too cute - I want to come over and have Muffin Tin Monday at your house. I just learned about MTM a few days ago and just picked up two more cheapo muffin tins at Target. While my kiddos are older, I really thing they will enjoy this. They're ALWAYS eating anyway - I was thinking this would be a fun snack thing for them.

