

Mini Michelangelos...

(This post is dedicated to my friend Ellen,
who taught me how to fall in love
with the smell of Sculpy.)

In our history book this week,
we read about the Renaissance.

Great artists,
like Michelangelo, Raphael, and Davinci
made their way onto our time line...
...and into our art lessons.
When I was in high school,
I was introduced to
a wonderful substance called Sculpy.It's a soft, pliable dough that you can
shape and bake into about anything.

I thought my kiddos would enjoy
created sculptures of their own,
just like Michelangelo...
...and Sculpy is GREAT stuff to "sculpt" with.

I let them use their play dough tools
to add to the fun...
Moses was quite impressed with their creations...
The next day,
the kiddos added a bit of color
to their projects...

And now, I present to you,
MyMini Michelangelos


  1. These are great! I hope you got to do some sculpting too?? I think everyone should have at least 15 minutes a day of MANDATORY play time with Sculpy, playdough or modeling clay. So much fun!!

  2. I DID Valerie- I have made some beads, which i plan on constructing something with...someday...whenever I get them painted...someday...

  3. Fond memories! I have 10-year-old Sculpey sitting in a toolbox somewhere. Your kids did a great job. It's wonderful to see that creativity coming through their hands. Our kids love to play with clay and they come up with some pretty impressive (to me) stuff. Thanks for posting this.

  4. I've bought some I need to dig out and use, it's that whole finding time...... Can I get a few extra hours in the day?

  5. We love sculpey over at our house!
