

Kids in the Kitchen: Carrot Soup

Around Easter,
we checked...
"Carrot Soup"
John Segal
from our library...

We FINALLY got around to incorporating it into
our homeschool lessons this week,
since we are all about the bunny...

Since there was a recipe at the end of the book,
we had to give it a go...

(I attribute Almost Unschoolers for my inspiration
in trying children's lit recipes...
She has tried several folks,
so head on over to her site and take a gander...)

The supplies we used to make out soup included:

1/4 cup of butter
Half an onion
2 stalks of celery
2 (14 oz) bags of shredded carrots
1 and a half boxes of chicken broth
Salt and pepper

Wash your celery stalks...

...and tear the stalks in to smaller pieces.

(Adults can of course cut the celery with a knife,
but I wanted the kiddos to be more involved.)

Put the onion and celery in a handy-dandy copper...

(I LOVE my chopper!)
...and push the button while giggling
as the onion and celery are being pulverized.
Melt the butter in your soup pot on medium heat.

Saute the onion and celery in the butter until tender.
Add the carrots and chicken broth
and bring the mixture to a boil.

Put a lid on the pot and reduce the soup mix to a simmer.

Let it simmer for about 30 minutes.

Then, take half of the mixture
and blend it into a liquid with your blender/food processor.

Put the mix back in the pot,
add some salt and pepper,
and you're ready to eat like a rabbit!
As usual,
this recipe got a thumbs down rating
from Jungle Girl...

...but Little Wild Man and Baby Girl
would eat it again!

For more delightful delicacies,
head on over to Kids in the Kitchen.


  1. Love all the GREAT pics of the kids!!!

  2. I was just thinking, hmmm...a book with a recipe...I wonder if my library has it? When I saw my name! Thanks for the mention :)

  3. I remember seeing that book on another site. It looks adorable. Now, I actually wrote it down... so we can get it too! Thanks.

  4. There is always one in my house that will not eat something. I think I may have to try that recipe.
