

Kids in the Kitchen: Applesauce Muffins

On Thursday morning,
while Jungle Girl was working on her embroidery,
Baby Girl wanted something to do...

What better way to spend some time
with such a great girl than by cooking in the kitchen!
We selected an "Apple Sauce Muffins" recipe
from a local restaurant...
They are SOOOOOOO yummy!

The ingredients list is as follows:

1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
2 cups applesauce
2 teaspoons baking soda
4 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon allspice
2 tablespoons vanilla extract

Soften the butter in a big old bowl
and add the sugar to it.
Beat them together until they are creamed.
Crack the eggs into another bowl...
...and beat them up.
Add the eggs to the butter and sugar and beat
the mixture again.
In another bowl, add the flour...
...cinnamon and allspice,
and stir them together.
Heat the applesauce
in the microwave for a couple of minutes
...and then add the baking soda to it.
(This part of the recipe is SO COOL,
because the applesauce will
start to bubble!)

Now, add half of the vanilla,
half of the flour mixture, and half of the applesauce mixture
to the creamed butter mixture.
After beating this all together for a bit,
scrap down the sides of the bowl with a spatula...
...and lick off the beaters.
Add the other half of the flour and other ingredients,
and mix them together with a spoon.

(Don't over mix- you want the batter to be lumpy!)
In greased muffin tins,
add the mix.

Bake the muffins for about 15-20 minutes
at 350 degrees.

Let them cool for a bit...
...and enjoy them with a bit of cream cheese!

For more delicious recipes
kiddos can help you with,
head on over to Kids in the Kitchen.


  1. Oh awsome! I love muffins! well I love any food these days lol!
    I finally have some crafts I am just too lazy too post :( hopefully soon I will be back in the game! still love your blog!
