

stART and Kids in the Kitchen: Felicity's Breakfast Puffs

My eldest daughter has been reading the
"Felicity" series of American Girl books
in her Enrichment class...

Felicity is a girl who is growing up in Colonial Williamsburg,
right as the Revolutionary War was about to begin...

So, to help the kiddos learn more about what it was like
to live during that time period,
I decided to have them read
"A Colonial Williamsburg ABC"
Amy Zakrzewski Watson

While the kiddos went through the book...
(Little Wild Man and Baby Girl would "read" the letter aloud
and then Jungle Girl would read the rest of the page)

I got the kitchen ready for us to make a
breakfast recipe out of
"Felicity's Cookbook"
Polly Athan

When they finished reading the alphabet book,
I read the page from the cookbook about
what it would be like to make a typical breakfast
during colonial times.

We decided that we are THANKFUL to have
the modern conveniences of a microwave and a stove,
so Mommy doesn't have to get up a 5:00am
to get breakfast ready by 8:00am!
I decided to help the kiddos make
Breakfast Puffs.

To make this recipe, you need the following ingredients:

Shortening or butter to grease the muffin tin
1 tablespoon melted butter
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
Apple butter, jam, and/or honey for toppings

First, preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

Then grease a muffin tin with butter...
(Baby Girl found this part rather exciting...)
Place the muffin tin in the oven to heat.
(PLEASE ignore the filth you see on my oven door!)

Crack the eggs into a bowl...
...and whisk them together.

Add the melted butter and milk to the eggs
and mix all the ingredients well.
Mix your flour...
...and salt into another bowl.

Slowly stir the liquid mixture into the flour mixture.
Stir ONLY until the mixture is blended...

Remove the muffin tin from the oven...
(The kiddos found how the butter changed
from the heat to be interesting.)
...and CAREFULLY scoop the mixture into the muffin tin
until each cup is 2/3 full.
Make goofy faces while waiting for the puffs to bake
for about 15 minutes.
Look how, well, "puffy" they are when they're done!

I served the puffs to the kiddos with some Apple Butter
my Aunt had given us last year.

In the first Felicity book,
Felicity is helping her mother make
Apple Butter over the stove...

(AGAIN, I am so thankful for modern appliances
like the crock pot my Aunt made her apple butter in!)

The critics' reviews for this recipe...
Thumbs up from Little Wild Man...
...and Baby Girl
However, my "picky eater"
did not find that this recipe suited her delicate palette-

Oh well...

Head on over to stART and Kids in the Kitchen
to discover other fun activities for your kiddos to learn from...
EVEN IF they are picky eaters!


  1. What a great stART project, I love that you were able to combine both stART and kids in the kitchen too!! We will have to try these as Emily and I both enjoy baking :0)

    Thanks for linking to stART this week :0)

  2. What a great idea. I bet they loved this!

  3. What fun! One of my daughters read Felicity, too, but I didn't think to get the cookbook. Now, I may have to correct that oversight!

  4. Oh my I use to love those books!!! Looks like great fun!
