

Reclaiming Christmas: Craft Project Two- Fabric Wreath Ornament

OK, it is my turn to host our 2nd Reclaiming Christmas project,
and I have a confession to make...

I did not get the tutorial finished for the project I really wanted to show you.

I know, I know, Knit Wit gives you all the
prettiest little doll baby sheet set tutorial,
and I can't get MY act together for my simple little project.

I DEEPLY and PROFUSELY apologize...

So, in loo of my origional project,

(which I SINCERELY hope to post
my next time around on April 2nd)

I am going to post a simple ornament tutorial I created last year...

Fabric Wreath Ornament Tutorial

For our Christmas Neighborhood Social last year, I was in charge of providing the craft. I have seen this little wreath craft idea on different websites, and with my sidekick Knit's help, here is our version.
First of all, gather up all your supplies:
Shower Curtain Rings
Cut your fabric into strips, about 1" wide and 6" long. With this size of strips, you will need to cut 20 to 30 strips per ornament.
Make sure your shower curtain ring is closed, and then start tying on your strips. Double knot the strips to ensure their security.
After the ring is full of strips, attach a bit of twine for a hanger...
...and another fabric strip for a ribbon.

Attach a simply made card
and you are done with this "shabby sheek" ornament!

Cheap AND easy- what could be better?

Come back on Friday, March 26th,
and Knit Wit over at Piecelove will be posting something
FABULOUS that she is working on, I am sure!

Please, join in the fun and link up whatever recycled craft
you are working on for Christmas!


  1. Christmas projects? Really? I'm still cleaning up from it. Okay, it's more of I'm still finding random things that should have been put in the Christmas box that somehow wasn't.
    Oh, and maybe I'll be all genius and link up with our homemade wrapping paper. But, that's from back in November or so.

  2. Hey, my post was from December! My friend is much better about planning ahead crafty gifts than I, so I thought, hey, maybe this will MOTIVATE me to get ahead. (That still remains to be seen!)

  3. These are so cute, and seem so easy to make. I'm not really ready to think about Christmas yet, but I'm bookmarking this for when I am!

  4. I am glad to know you are book marking it Nichole! (Oh, and it IS easy to make- the worst part is the fabric cutting and tearing, especially when you have to make 25 of them. You will end up finding fabric fibers in your tissue after you blow your nose!)
