

My "Egg"-stra Special Friend

My week, as seen from an earlier post,
was less then stellar..

Yesterday, I found some energy,
(from sunshine, coffee, and new allergy meds, I'm sure),
so I started cleaning my house.

During my dusting/sweeping/mopping fiesta,
I got a call from Knit Wit.

She is my best girlfriend ever.

We've know each other since preschool,
and regardless of what season of life we have been in,
I have ALWAYS considered her
"My Best Friend."
(I have a necklace from middle school that proves it!)

As we were chatting,
I heard a knock on the door...

I opened it up to find her standing there,
talking to me on the phone...
...baring a gift of patchwork eggs.
She stayed the rest of the afternoon and helped me clean...
...and we ate M & M's with our chamomile tea.

I just love her so...

I hope all of you out there have a friend like that.


  1. My BFF now lives two states away - I'm so thankful for unlimited long distance. What a nice friend you have - bringing gifts, and staying to help clean - how awesome!

  2. My BFF was far away for a few years and moved back into the area about three years ago, and it HAS been such a blessing! Here's to BFF's!

  3. That is so cool! I'm jealous you've had a friend that long, and I thought I'd had a friend forever since we've known each other since high school.
    Wonderful surprise!

  4. How wonderful! Yes, I have very dear friends, but since I am a local living in a military town, they usually move away after 2-3 years. :*(
