

We're "Ga-Ga" for Groundhogs!

Today was Groundhog's Day!

And even though Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, we had a good day...

During our morning science, we discussed seasons,
which was a perfect lead in to Groundhog's Day.

(I based a stART activity on this book, which you can read more about here.)
I read this book to the kiddos before
they started their individual morning work.

I HIGHLY recommend it for Groundhog's Day-
it's very informative (and funny too!).

Both of the younger kiddos' National Wildlife Federation magazines
had articles about the ground hog which we looked at together...Article from Baby Girls'
"Your Big Backyard" magazine...
Cover to Little Wild Man's
"Animal Baby" magazine...
While the girls were working on their math,
Little Wild Man worked on this Groundhog magnet page...

While Jungle Girl continued to work on her 2nd grade assignments,
Baby Girl and Little Wild Man matched groundhog shadows
on a worksheet I got off of

(I highly recommend investing in a membership
to this site if your have preschoolers/Kindergartners-
it's well worth it!)
We then worked on this F-U-N groundhog booklet...
The final groundhog themed game
let the little ones practice matching capital letter and lowercase letters...
(also from KidsSoup!)

Baby Girl and I will also play this game tomorrow to practice
the sight words she has been working on...
For lunch, we had a Muffin Tin Monday meal
(which I will post this coming Monday)...

(One detail I will divulge- Groundhogs are yummy to eat!)
After dance lessons, the kiddos and I made some groundhog puppets...
(our stART activity- to be shared later!)
To end a fun Groundhog's Day,
we ate this special dessert...

(the idea I got over at Casa Camancho)
It was "dirt"
(a mixture of chocolate pudding, Cool Whip, and Oreo Cookie Crumbs)
with Mr. Groundhog popping up to see his shadow...

A tasteful way to end a great day!

(Hmmmm- I believe the chocolate "got" to Baby Girl...)


  1. What an awesome day! You got so much done. I lov the tin and snack. I have hot dog buns maybe I could make them for JDaniel tomorrow.

  2. What a great collection of activities! I love the snacks you put togther in the hot dog buns - cute! Thanks also for the book suggestions!

  3. What a fun day!! And chocolate too.
    The puppets are sooo cute. Happy groundhog day!!

  4. What a fun time you all had celebrating Groundhogs Day! I can't wait to see your stART project :0) Those desserts look really yummy, I will have to remember that for next year!

  5. This is my first time visiting your blog and WOW! I'm loving all the great ideas!!
