

Reclaiming Christmas: Craft Project Uno!

It's HE-RE...

Our first post for the
"Reclaiming Christmas Craft-A-Long!"

Please head on over to Knit Wit's site,
and you will discover how to create
the cutest little baby doll linen set
a kiddo could hope for!

The bestest part about this gift?
Two sets can be made from one old pillow case!

That is one of the purposes of this craft-a-long-
to reuse, reuse, reuse!

Every two weeks,
either Knit or I will be hosting a gift you can create
out of something old...
(Not borrowed or new, but it COULD be blue!)

On Friday, March 5th, I will be hosting.

To get you ready, you'll need an old wool sweater
which you don't mind hacking up into little bits...
(I promise, we won't be too violent!)

Also, if you try out any of our "stuff,"
please link up!
Everyone has their own spin on things,
and I would LOVE to see what y'all come up with!

Again, go over to Knit's page-

(I do not think you'll be disappointed!)

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME idea!!!! Can't wait to see yours!!!

    ~Ann Tolbert :)
