

stART: "The Snowman" by Raymond Briggs

Today, as part of all our snow themed activities,
we read The Snowman by Raymond Briggs.
It is a picture book (with absolutely NO WORDS)
which paints a picture of the adventures a young boy
has with his snow friend one magical evening.

To go along with the story, the girls and I created snowmen
out of empty coffee creamer containers.
The supplies we used for the craft included:

Empty, de-labeled, cleaned coffee creamer containers
Black beads
Felt scraps
Tacky glue/hot glue gun

We began the craft by gluing the eyes (black beads) and nose (orange felt scraps) on the part of the bottle just below the lid.
(Now, I discovered that the beads and buttons tend to slip off the bottle with just the tacky glue, so I went back after we finished the project and re-glued those pieces with a glue gun.)
Next, we cut out scraps of felt and glued them
onto the bottle around its "neck" to create a scarf.
(We had an "audience" during our activity today...)

The girls finished the project by picking out buttons for their snowmen
and gluing them onto the bottles.

***Again, I re-glued them with the hot glue gun later.
If you want your children to be able to this project with little assistance,
my recommendation is to do the craft with felt scraps for the eyes and buttons too.***
PLEASE check out other fun story and art ideas at "stART."


  1. Wonderful craft! And, I just bought some coffee creamer today :)

  2. I love it!!! They came out so great:) What a fun, cute project!

  3. Those coffee creamer containers make awesome snowmen! We read a wordless (nearly) picture book this week as well for stART.

  4. So weird. :) And here I thought I was being so clever. LOL Yours turned out darling too!
    Thanks for visiting us.

  5. Those snowmen are so stinkin cute! I am gonna have to find something else to pour my creamer into so we can make those!

    I also wanted to say that I totally agree and feel the same way as your profile! I taught public school before having our kids and I feel like it was all just preparing me for this job, the best one on earth.

  6. Very cute craft! I don't drink coffee though :(. I love using recycled materials for projects!

    1. Hit up family and friends for the bottles! A lot ofpeople just throw them away

  7. I love this snowman book, my mom has another one of his books and a big fluffy stuffed snowman that goes with it. Your snowmen project came out so cute (she would love them, I may have Emily make one special for her!!)

    Thank you for linking up to stART!!

  8. Very cute! 1st time stopping in at your blog - brings back memories - I had the same wonder woman underoo's as a kid! :)

  9. Great snowmen. So simple, but so cute.

  10. this is so easie & pretty. with different size of bottle I can make a family. with styfome balls we have a snow fight

  11. I made 10 snowmen. .I put some jiggle bells inside. then took 2 soft white balls, and made my grandson a bowling set, I hope he likes it! I also took some Christmas fabric & made a bag with a drawstring to hold it all.

  12. Since the bottles are clear now I had to paint mine white then add the buttons, and felt. Small bottles are going to be great for my grandkids to do. Thanks for the idea.

  13. I love this idea. My bottles are clear. I think I might fill it with cotton balls and battery powered twinkle lights and make lighted snowmen.
