

"A Lowly Manger" Ornament Tutorial

Well, we made our last ornament in my 1st grade Sunday School class today...

"A Lowly Manger"
(I was inspired by a post I saw on Casa Camacho.)
Here's the "stuff" you'll need to make the ornament:
Paper figures of Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus (from The Activity Village)
Construction paper
Craft Glue
Popsicle sticks
Cut out and color Mary, Joseph, and the Baby Jesus.
Glue the paper figures onto the construction paper. Glue three popsicle sticks (one of the sticks needs to be cut in half so you have a total of four sticks) around the figures to form a stable.
When everything has dried a bit, cut around the scene to make the ornament shape. Also, use the scissors to make a small hole at towards the top of the stable.
Thread a piece of yarn through the hole and your ornament is complete!
One of my students even created his own star for the top of the stable.
My FAVORITE one was made by a boy who decided to glue baby Jesus upside down- how classic is that? Memories for years to come...


  1. How adorable!!!! Thanks for the linky.

    I was just reading your blog earlier. You must have posted it right after. Have a wonderful week!

  2. you are so teacher ed with all of these, it makes me sick :] which you know, aligns with jealousy, but whatever!

  3. Hey Kat, it is just SO INGRAINED in me- I can't help myself! (by the way, the longer you're a teacher, the more it will happen to you too! WATCH OUT!)

    Bobbi- I really appreciate all the help your site offers- keep on being creative!
