

Christmas Touches...

I love Christmas at my Aunt's home...
From the stockings that greet us in the room in which we sleep to the Crab Asparagus Soup we ate on Christmas Eve, she sure knows how to make a person feel welcome.


  1. It's probably not the best manners to be the first to commment on this, but the social graces haven't always been my strong suit. I have to say, Amber, that you certainly make the house look inviting! (I wouldn't mind spending Christmas at that place myself.) I guess only the family would know, but it's nice to see so many generations and family members represented through decor/heirlooms. Of course it's not the things that make it's being together. (I know I'm not usually that sentimental, but the feeling comes from the bottom of my heart.) One last point: I'm a staunch Nativity-Christmas celebrator. Somehow or other I notice you've included in your montage the only two Santas in the house and completely deleted the Lord!! (Oh, wait...I see Him. He's shoved aside on the hearth to make room for the presents...)

  2. Well, I did have a picture of the STUFFED nativity from last year somewhere...
