

Trees of Thanksgiving

Throughout the month of November, my 1st grade Sunday School class has be working on a classroom "Tree of Thanksgiving."
Each week when they arrive in class, they grab a leaf or two and write (or draw) on it something they want to thank God for.
The kiddos then get to tape the leaf to the tree on the wall.

The Sunday before Thanksgiving, our key memory verse happened to be be 1 Chronicles 16:8-

"Give thanks to the Lord; Call on his name.
Make known amoung the nations what he has done."

I wanted the kiddos to take home the idea of our classroom Tree of Thanksgiving to share with their families, so this is the craft I came up with...

Each child painted the palm of his/her hand and and forearm with brown paint and "stamped" it onto a sheet of constructions paper. This created a tree trunk and branches. The kiddos then covered their branches with leaves of things they could be thankful for, just like they had been doing all month with our classroom "Tree of Thanksgiving."

Simple and Sweet!

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent idea! Will try to remember it for next year. Neat blog...will be back to visit. :)
