

Thanksgiving Palooza 2009 (Part 1)

Today began our "Thanksgiving Palooza" of various Thanksgiving/Fall themed activities we will be doing for our home school lessons over the next few days.

After we began the morning with our usual prayer, pledge, calendar corner, and Bible story, I pulled out the Thanksgiving stories. The first ones I read to the kiddos were "Thanksgiving Cats" by Jean Marzallo and "One Little, Two Little, Three Little Pilgrims" by B. G. Hennessy.

We then created pumpkin quilt blocks using geometric shapes, which I will later turn into a wall hanging for the school room. (I had traced and cut out all the shapes for them before hand.)We then moved on to painting with Q-tips to create colorful Indian corn.I love the little poem attached to the picture. I think we are going to cut out the corn when it dries and use the picture and poem to make a card for someone we are thankful for!

Little Wild Man's Indian Corn
Baby Girl's Indian Corn
Jungle Girl's Indian Corn

After having completed all those activities, it was time for a snack, and another chance for me to sneak in some math.
Brach's Caramel Candy Corn, and dice, we played a counting game (which included some one-to-one correspondence and addition) called "Feed the Turkeys." (Here is Jungle Girl trying to steal some candy corn- it's her fav! She says candy corn is the reason she love Fall so much!)
Using three dice, the kiddos would roll all three and add up their number. They would then place one piece of candy corn on a turkey up to the number they rolled (ex: Little Wild Man rolled an 11, so he put one piece of candy corn on 11 turkeys).

The game continued until all the turkeys were covered with candy corn. At that time, the kiddos got to eat all the candy corn- yum! yum!

While the kiddos polished off their candy corn, we listened to the book on CD, (with the book to look at), "The Amazing Turkey Rescue" by Steve Metzger and I read "The Best Thanksgiving Ever" by Teddy Slater. It was then time to make a turkey! We used the part of the patterns printed on card stock for a Paper Roll Turkey, a toilet paper roll, feathers, markers, scissors, and glue to make our turkeys.
The final products are being proudly displayed on the hutch in our school room.
Bonus: Baby Girl suggested making the example picture into a puppet- aren't they cute?
Those are all the Thanksgiving projects that we completed today (along with a math test and reading lesson later). I find that on days Little Wild Man is not in preschool (he attends three days a week at the Early Childhood Learning Center at Johnson Bible College) I MUST keep the hands on activities comin', or ELSE!

(That is Little Wild Man's Indian headband on the scarecrow wall hanging, by the way...)

More activities will be posted as we complete them!

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