

Recommended Reads #1

Every week, I am going to try to list some of the books we are reading- at least the ones that have been a hit with us!

Jungle Girl has begun "Henry and Ribsy" by Beverly Cleary. I LOVED her books as a child, and I think she will too. I plan on using this book for her copy work and writing assignments (hmmm, perhaps we could even investigate dog training as a spin off from this book- Ribsy did have some pretty rude manners for a pup...)

Jungle Girl finished the final book in the American Girl book series about Kirsten. She had been reading these books as a part of her enrichment group through our Homeschool Group (Blount Home Education Association). I am sad to say that they are discontinuing this doll after this year, but hopefully they aren't discontinuing the books! They are very "Little House on the Prairie," another fav of mine as a girl!

In honor of Veterns Day this past week, we all read Lynne Cheney's "America: A Patriotic Primer." I love the illustrations by Robin Preiss Glasser too. It was a great way to lead into our special prayer time for our veterans. (I am about to bust out into "America the Beautiful" just thinking about it...)

The last book I wanted to mention is "The Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmie." What a classic! Any of Stan and Jan Berenstain's books are well worth the read. This book in particular went along well with preparing my kids for the upcoming holiday season and reminding them that will not get everything their little hearts desire.

I LOVE children's literature! My next Recommended Reads post will probably be full of some fall favs, and I would love to hear about your favorite fall books, so leave a comment!

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