

Dashing Through Fake Snow...

The day after Thanksgiving, the city of Knoxville officially lights the downtown tree. My family got to go and participate in the fun...

On our way to downtown K-town...

The tree BEFORE it was lit...

Santa (and the mayor and some other "important person") pushed the button...
and the tree was lit!As it lit up, fireworks and fake snow exploded all over the scene...(which SOME family members DID NOT enjoy!)We walked around and soaked up the Christmas spirit...
We also got to ride in a horse drawn carriage...
Waiting for the our turn...

During our wait, the wind started to blow the fake snow around...
It was fun to play with!
Dashing through fake snow, in a two horse open sleigh...
To top off a beautiful evening, the kiddos decorated cookies with Mrs. Claus...

The Christmas season is officially here!

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