

Fall FUN!!!

Since I have just begun this blog,
I wanted to share
some of the FUN we have been participating in
so far this fall...
We made a scarecrow with a neighbor family
for the local park "Scarecrows in the Park" contest
named "Little Miss Muffet."
(She won 3rd place in the children's division!)
My favorite part of our creation was the spider-
he was made out of a spray painted pumpkin and pipe cleaners!The kids painted pumpkins
at the "Scarecrows in the Park" fall festival reveal day.

I love that Jungle Girl's pumpkin has arms...
Baby Girl painted her name on hers...
...and Little Wild Man made sure
to cover every inch of his pumpkin with paint!At our church's "Trunk or Treat,"
we transformed our trunk into a farmer's market
(of sorts)...
...and we became the "fruitiest" bunch of people around!
(In case you can't tell from the pic,
my family and another were all dressed as fruit,
each with a different fruit of the spirit added to our costumes.)
On Halloween,
we had ghost toast for breakfast...
...and mummified hot dogs for dinner.
Jungle Girl dressed up as a Grannie
for the evening's festivities.Baby Girl was "Fancy Nancy"...and Little Wild Man
was the Spectacular Spider Man!
Baby Girl and Little Wild Man were sick
the whole week before Halloween,
so we couldn't let them go trick or treating outside.

Therefore we let them got to trick or treating in the house.
In every closet and room upstairs,
they were greeted by a familiar furry face
which "gave" them a little treat!
For the rest of the evening,
the kiddos helped pass out the candy.

All in all,
I think we've a had a pretty productive fall so far...

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