

Baby Carrie Anna

I have a very dear friend whose daughter, Carrie Anna, had to have open heart surgery two days after her birth. The kiddos and I have been praying for her recovery daily. Jungle Girl finally asked if we could make Carrie Anna cards, so after prayer time one morning we did just that.
Baby Girl and Jungle Girl hard at work spreading some cheer...
Baby Girl (my 5 year old) REALLY got into the card making. This is the first one she made...

Here's the front of card #2...
and here's the inside of it.This is the last installment of Baby Girl's work.This is the front of Jungle Girl's (age 7) card...and this is the inside.I had to get in on the encouragement with my own card too...When Little Wild Man got home from preschool, he made a card.
We are all praying that Carrie Anna will heal quickly. Please join us and lift up this little baby to the Lord today!

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